Friday, January 6, 2012

Quickies: 500 Free Priority Club Points & SPG Two Days of Happy Facebook Contest

Priority Club: Thanks to Becky @ New Girl in The Air, this is probably the easiest 500 priority points I've gotten (300 + 100 +100) to date. All you have to do is just enter your Priority Club # and last name before answering the quiz questions. Points will post in 48 hours, and the answers follow below:

Quiz 1: 3 Questions for 100 Points
  1. All of the Above and More
  2. A free night you can redeem online anytime
  3. All of the Above and More
Quiz 2: 3 Questions for 100 Points
  1. 15
  2. All of the Above
  3. Silver
Quiz 3: 5 Questions for 300 Points
  1. All of the Above
  2. All of the Above
  3. All of the Above
  4. Over 4,300
  5. 50 nights or 60,000 points

Starwood Preferred Guest: Details of SPG's new Facebook Contest:

Dreaming of Two Days of Happy? Tell us where in Asia Pacific you’d like to stay – and with whom – and you could win a trip there! Enter via the link below.

Win Two Days of Happy for you and a loved one 

Grand Prize: A 2-night stay for 2 people with roundtrip airfares.

If anyone is feeling extra kind, please feel free to vote for me in this contest. I'll take 2 Days of Happy in the Maldives over Two Days of Happy on my couch any day. :-P


  1. Hi Angelina,

    Great post on easy points...but where is the quiz? I logged in to my Priority Club account but couldn't find it the q his anywhere.



  2. Hi J, The links are actually available by clicking the links of each quiz. For example click on "Quiz 1" "Quiz 2" and "Quiz 3". I do see a fault that they are not underlined hyperlinks, by they are there... I'll go ahead and modify that now so it's easier to detect the links. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I keep trying these quizzes, but it keeps giving me a window that says I have to enter my number and answer all of them correctly.

  4. Hi Ryan, Yes, you need to enter your priority club # and answer the questions correctly. I have provided the correct answers for each quiz. Hope it works for you! :)

  5. I keep getting an error message: "Please note: To receive the bonus points, you must provide your membership number and answer all questions. Thank you very much!"
    Any ideas how to solve this?

